Hemophilia is a condition that prevents the normal clotting of blood. A person with hemophilia bleeds longer than usual after an injury. There can also be internal bleeding in certain parts of the body. To avoid any complications, it is necessary to identify the symptoms and early warning signs of hemophilia.

Some of the major signs that you need to look for are easy bruising and bleeding in excess. How severe the bleeding is will depend on how severe the condition is. In children, no signs of hemophilia can be seen. However, bleeding caused due to an accident, surgery, or dental procedure can be seen in children too.

Here are the major symptoms of hemophilia you should look for:

1. Bleeding from the Joints
This can be a result of a trauma or an injury. Bleeding joints can cause chronic pain and even disability in patients with severe hemophilia. The signs of joint bleeds might not become evident right away. This is especially the case if the patient suffers from mild or moderate hemophilia. The first sign to look for a joint bleed is a sensation of tightness or tingling in the joints. There will not be any pain or you might not be able to see any visible signs of joint bleeding.

2. Bleeding from External Parts
When a person has hemophilia, the signs can be noticed when there is bleeding from various body parts. Bleeding in the mouth which can be caused due to a cut, a bite, or from the breaking of a tooth are some of the signs of external bleeding caused by hemophilia. You must also keep an eye out for any bleeding from the nose that is taking place for no reason. Besides, if they start bleeding profusely after a small cut or if the bleeding resumes after halting for a short duration, it can also be a sign of hemophilia.

3. Bleeding of Internal Organs
Hemophilia can also cause internal bleeding. The signs of bleeding can sometimes also be seen externally and should be checked immediately with a doctor. Thet include

  • Bleeding in the bladder or the kidneys which causes bloody urine
  • Bleeding into the stomach or the intestines which causes bloody stools
  • Bleeding into the muscles of the body which causes bruising
  • Brain bleeding is caused after a severe injury or a bump on the head. The signs of this bleeding can be headaches that can be excruciating and prolonged, pain in the neck, continuous vomiting, problems with sleep, mood swings, a weakness that appears suddenly, feeling clumsy especially in the legs and the arms, problem while walking, vision problems, and seizures.